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Multicultural Education

Our mission and passion are to be effective advocates for academic success and personal growth among underrepresented students and foster diversity on campus and in the community. The following programs support the efforts of the Office of Multicultural Educational Programs.

Meet Our Alumni

  • male student

    Armando Garcia

    For me, CAMP is a family. You get attached to people who didn't know. Y'all get along well, y'all all have the same goal, and that is to be successful in life. There are people willing to help you, and they offer a lot of help so you won't be alone. 

  • student

    Caroline Garcia

    CAMP helped me in so many ways during my first year of college by providing me with support and mentorship. CAMP will help you establish many networks and community support that will impact your first year here at ABAC and after.

  • student

    Saul Andrade

    Coming into CAMP was a blessing to me! I was able to experience my freshman year at ABAC. I benefited from the help that CAMP provided me with mentors who were there when I needed. One of the best parts was meeting new people and becomming very close to them. 

Contact Information

Branch Hall | Third Floor 2802 Moore Hwy. | ABAC 22 Tifton, GA 31793

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