Quick Checklist
Now that you’ve been accepted, there are a few more steps to take before you’re ready to begin. To complete your acceptance, make sure you’ve checked off every item on the list below.
✓ Submit a Certificate of Immunization
✓ Submit Lawful Presence
✓ Submit final high school transcripts upon graduation
✓ Submit official college transcripts if you participated in Dual Enrollment
✓ Submit the Freshman Residency Requirement through the ABAC Housing Portal via MyABAC with a $235 deposit
o Or, complete the Housing Waiver if you live within a 50-mile radius of an ABAC campus
✓ Complete the FAFSA, or pay a $250 deposit
o Or, complete the Housing Waiver if you live within a 50-mile radius of an ABAC campus
✓ Complete the FAFSA, or pay a $250 deposit
✓ Satisfy the Financial Agreement Authorization
View detailed checklist
One Last Thing to Check Off
Once all of the above items are completed, you’ll get your invitation to Orientation – and once you’ve participated in Orientation, you’ll have checked off the last item on the list!
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ABAC Admissions