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Testing Center

The Testing Centers provide a wide range of testing services to the ABAC community.

Mission Statement

The Testing Centers provide a wide range of testing services to the ABAC community. Services include but are not limited to, online testing, program-specific entrance and exit exams, proctoring services (independent learning), and placement testing. To provide professional standards in testing services that reflect positively on the institution, the Testing Center adheres and subscribes to the National College Testing Association’s Professional Standards and Guidelines.

Testing Center Policies

For more information about the National SAT or ACT Testing, Click here.

Hours of Operation 

Summer Hours:

Monday – Thursday 7:00 am – 5:30 pm 

Regular Hours:

Monday – Thursday 8:00 am – 5:30 pm 

Friday 8:00 am – 12:00 pm 

National SAT/ACT Testing

Message from the Coordinators

We are proud that Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College is the hosting site for both SAT and ACT standardized tests. Our staff’s number one goal is to offer a fair and quiet environment for all testing applicants to perform without distraction on their standardized tests. We offer these tests many times throughout the year to best serve the surrounding counties in south Georgia. If you have any questions about the SAT or the ACT at ABAC please email Melanie Partlow or Eunkyung You. Be sure to include SAT or ACT in the email subject. Thank you for trusting us with your standardized testing needs.

Melanie Partlow

Eunkyung You

Where to Report:

Both tests are administered in the Agricultural Science building. You can park in the 'North Parking Lot' located across the street from the Ag Science building and report to the building with the large glass “silo” on the front.

Check-in is from 7:30 am -7:55 am.

SAT Registration

ACT Registration


Phone: 229.391.4817 


Location: Carlton Center Suite 306, Room 313 

Mailing Address: ABAC 50, 2802 Moore Highway, Tifton GA 31793 

campus photo featuring carlton center