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Parking Decals

All motor vehicles that are to be parked on campus by students, faculty, and staff must be registered with the ABAC Police and display a current parking decal by the end of the first week of each semester.

Temporary Permits are issued by the ABAC Police when faculty, staff and students are driving a vehicle temporarily. These permits are free and can be picked up at the police department in Evans Hall.

The parking decal application must be submitted online. The confirmation page has to be printed out and brought in person to the ABAC Police Office.

Student parking decals are valid from August 1, 2024 to August 1, 2025.

ABAC Student Decal

You must wait until after August 1, 2024, to apply for Fall 2024-2025 Decals.

Students living on campus must be issued a room number before they can apply for a decal.  Use your room number for the local address on the parking permit application.

Please make sure you are using ABAC-recommended browsers: Google Chrome and Mozilla FireFox.

Student parking decals are valid from August 1, 2024, to August 1, 2025.

ABAC Parking Regulations

Look up student ID

Student Parking Decal

You will need to know the following to request a Parking Decal:

  • Your ABAC User name and password
  • Mobile number and Carrier
  • Vehicle Make, Model, Year, Color and License Plate Number
  • By requesting a permit below you are agreeing to the ABAC Parking Regulations
  • Bring a Photo ID and your receipt to ABAC Police (Evans Hall) to pick up your ABAC Parking Decal

ABAC Employee Decal

ABAC Parking Regulations

Look up employee ID

Please make sure you are using ABAC recommended browsers: Google Chrome and Mozilla FireFox.

Employee Parking Decal

You will need to know the following to request a Parking Decal:

  • Your ABAC User name and password
  • Mobile number and Carrier
  • Vehicle Make, Model, Year, Color and License Plate Number
  • By requesting a permit below you are agreeing to the ABAC Parking Regulations
  • Bring a Photo ID and your receipt to ABAC Police (Evans Hall) to pick-up your ABAC Parking Decal

Non-ABAC Employee/Student Decal

NON-ABAC Students living on campus must be issued a room number before they can apply for a decal.  Use your room number for the local address on the parking permit application.

Please make sure you are using ABAC recommended browsers: Google Chrome and Mozilla FireFox.


  • Click on decal button
  • Enter Event Code if one was supplied to you. Then click “Go”.
  • If you were not given an Event Code, you will click on the “here” link.
  • Choose which permit applies to you.
  • Follow the on-screen prompts.

ABAC Parking Regulations

Non-ABAC Employee/Student Decal

You will need to know the following to request a Parking Decal:

  • Your Event Code, if you were supplied one
  • License plate number
  • Mobile number and Carrier
  • Vehicle Make, Model, Year, Color
  • By requesting a permit below you are agreeing to the ABAC Parking Regulations
  • Bring a Photo ID and your receipt to ABAC Police (Evans Hall) to pick-up your ABAC Parking Decal

Parking Fees and Rules

Each person is responsible for the permit issued and for any infractions that result from the misuse of the decal. When a registrant realizes that the decal is stolen or lost, a report must be filed with the ABAC Police.

Parking Rules and Regulations

Student Parking Fees

  • Parking fees are for the period beginning fall semester and ending the last day of finals summer semester.
  • Parking decals have an expiration date printed on them which correlates with the end of summer semester.
  • Parking fees for decals purchased during the year are not prorated.
  • Parking fees are paid with tuition.
  • Student Parking Fees: $30 per semester paid with tuition (multiple vehicles may be registered)

Faculty and Staff Permits

  • College employees are required to have a parking permit, but they do not cost anything.
  • Three-year decals issued to college employees with the expiration date on the decal.
  • Faculty and staff will not need another decal until the expiration date unless a different vehicle is driven to campus.
  • Faculty and staff parking spaces are reserved for faculty and staff only. Faculty and staff parking spaces are reserved from : 7:00 am to 5:30 pm Monday-Thursday and 7:00 am to 12:00 pm on Friday.
  • A number of reserved spaces are clearly marked 24-hour Reserved. These spaces are reserved throughout the year. Faculty and staff parking spaces are for faculty and staff only and are to utilize faculty/staff spaces only and not park in unauthorized spaces.

Parking Permit Details

  • Current parking decals are to be displayed on the rear bumper/window on the driver’s side.
  • Parking permit decals allow the registered vehicle to park only in designated parking areas.
  • Vehicles may only park in actual parking spaces.
  • Permits are not transferable from one vehicle to another or from one registrant to another. In the event that a vehicle is transferred out of the registrant’s name or control, it is the responsibility of the registrant to remove the decal and return it to the ABAC Police office in order to replace the decal.
  • If a registrant needs to use another vehicle on campus for a short time, temporary permits are available from the ABAC Police office during normal business hours.

Parking Citation Appeals

Any student issued a citation may file their appeal of the citation by completing the appeal form within 7 days of receiving the citation. Citations shall be appealed through the Traffic Appeals Committee which meets every Thursday at 4PM (excluding holidays). Faculty and staff citations shall be appealed through the Chief of Police by email. Common reasons for denial of appeal:

  • “I admit I was illegally parked, but I was only gone a few minutes”
  • “I knew it was a no-parking zone, but cars park there all the time and never get ticketed”
  • “I didn’t know I couldn’t park there”
  • “I was ill and had to use the restroom”

You will need to know the following to view/appeal a Ticket/Citation:

  • Your User ID is the same as your ABAC ID (918######)
  • You will also need to know your Ticket/Citation Number
  • When you requested a permit you agreed to the Parking Regulations
  • You are not allowed to appeal tickets for parking in Faculty/Staff spaces, Disability spaces, or fire zones.
  • If you ARE a visitor to the campus, please review the Parking Violations.

Traffic Appeal Form

*Please note: The ruling of the Traffic Appeals Committee is final and binding. If a student wishes to dispute a Traffic Appeals Committee decision the student will have five days from the date of the Traffic Appeals Committee hearing to appeal the decision with the Dean of Students in writing. The second appeal is not designed to simply rehear the same evidence and arguments. The student must show that the treatment of the case by the Traffic Appeals Committee was either a violation of due process and/or student rights, or that prejudicial treatment was shown by the original hearing body. The appeal must be submitted in writing to during the five-day period. The decision of the Traffic Appeals Committee stands if the student fails to submit the written appeal within the allotted time to There is NO appeal beyond the Dean of Students. For further information, students can refer to the Student Code of Conduct.